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Library catalogues and meta-catalogues


This page highlights the main Italian and international online catalogues and meta-catalogues in which legal, economic and insurance texts can be searched (Mansutti Foundation’s collection is included in Iccu, Mai-Azalai and Polo Regionale Lombardo).


As well as the British Library, this website gives free access to the online catalogues of 22 among the main university libraries of United Kingdom and Ireland

EDIT16 Censimento delle edizioni italiane del XVI secolo

Its purpose it to document sixteenth-century Italian printed publications and to survey the assets owned at national level. Approximately 1200 Italian libraries, including Mansutti Foundation (MI1179) take part in the Census

ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico

The institute’s objective is to catalogue the national library holdings and to manage an online library catalogue (SBN) to which State libraries, local authorities and Universities are linked; in 2011 Mansutti Foundation also joined up

KVK - Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog

The virtual catalogue of the University of Karlsruhe’s Library is linked to the catalogues of numerous online libraries, located both in Germany and abroad, and allows users to search over 75 million works

Polo Regionale Lombardo

82 libraries and 3 urban library systems take part in this initiative. Currently Opac includes antique and modern material, music and links to digital resources. In 2011 Mansutti Foundation also joined up

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