the Foundation
The Foundation was created in Milan in 2004, when Francesco Mansutti donated his library and his historical archive focussed on the history of insurance, documented – from its origins to modern days – through its economic, legal, technical, social and customary aspects.
Of the various bodies that make up the Foundation the Scientific Board has the function of expressing its view on the Foundation’s activity programmes and on the results achieved.
Those sharing the Foundation’s cultural objectives and wishing to offer a direct contribution towards their achievement are invited to take part as Meritorious Members or Supporters.
In order to achieve its objectives, one of the activities of the Foundation is to enter into agreements with similar organisations, universities and research centres both in Italy and abroad. Thanks to such co-operation studies in the field of insurance can be promoted, with the added help of the valuable historical research resources made available by all the stakeholders.
To this purpose scientific and educational agreements have been signed with Museimpresa, Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan), with the consortium of universities CINEAS, and more recently, with Museocity and Assicurazioni Generali.
The library, archive and museum collections are entirely available in the online catalogue. Modern and ancient books are also available in the SBN - Sistema Bibliotecario Nazionale (National System of Italian Libraries) online catalogue; furthermore, since 2019 the collection of posters is available in the Lombardia Beni Culturali platform (Regional Information System of Cultural Heritage).
Opening time: monday-friday, 14:00-18:00
Person in charge: Marina Bonomelli
Fondazione Mansutti support the project "Risky Business", leaded by academics studying the topic of risk in the Netherlands (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Italy (Università degli studi di Parma), and the United Kingdom (University of Cambridge). The network will create and compile a multinational, public database of recorded marine insurance prices, stretching from the late medieval period to the later nineteenth century