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Libraries and Universities


This page highlights some universities and the most important Italian and international libraries that house material documenting insurance and any related subjects such as economics, the law, statistics and actuarial mathematics.

Assicurazioni Generali - Group Libraries

Created in Trieste soon after the Company’s foundation, the Central Library houses approximately 30,000 publications on insurance, law, actuarial mathematics and statistics; the A. Donati Library, founded in Rome in 1912 at the same time as the INA, contains 32.000 books and over 250 journal titles

Alfonso Desiata Library

Created in Turin in 2008 thanks to an important donation of works on insurance and law from ANIA and thanks to other donations, including that of Prof. Manghetti, former President ISVAP

Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Opened to the public in 1692, today the library has over 14 million books and printed publications as well as 350,000 collections of periodicals. Its Catalogue général gives access to almost all the material housed in the library​

British Library

The British Library is one of the world’s greatest centres of knowledge. It houses over 150 million works and its online catalogue allows users to search over 10 millions of these

Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature

This is the largest and best-known collection of the Library of the University of London. It houses a series of works of particular relevance in terms of economic and social history: over 66,000 books, pamphlets, periodicals and manuscripts covering a period from the 15th to the 20th century

Chartered Insurance Institute Library

The CII’s online Library is a unique source of theoretical and practical information on insurance and related financial services. It also represents a window on all material published on the subject at international level, both online and on paper

Library of Congress

This is the USA’s oldest cultural institution and the largest library in the world, thanks to over 120 million works, of which 18 million books, 54 million manuscripts and 12 million photographs. 50% of the works are in English, the rest in 400 different languages

Kress Library of Business and Economics

The Kress Collection of Business and Economics of Harvard University is one of the world’s greatest collections in the world of rare books on history and economic politics from the 15th to the 20th century

Università commmerciale L. Bocconi

Established in Milan in 1902, is the first Italian institution of higher education to grant a degree in economics. Today, Bocconi is a research university of international standing in business, economics, and law. 

London School of Economics & Political Science Library

Set up in 1896, today the library houses approximately 4 million works from all the world in all main European languages, among which are over 3,500 volumes on insurance. On average 4,500 people visit the library each day

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

The library houses over 70,000 volumes, 1763 periodical titles, 346 works on microfilm and 345 CD-ROMs relating to the subjects of the 8 faculties, particularly economics, statistical science and law

Università degli Studi di Milano

The Library’s catalogue includes over one million index cards on antique and modern books, periodicals and audio-visual material. The Biblioteca dell'Istituto di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno houses over 40,000 volumes and 200 periodicals.

KULeuven Centrale Bibliotheek 

Comprising 24 between libraries and information centres, the University owns collections of printed texts and manuscripts as well as an important archive. Worthy of mention are the publications on law, technique, mathematics, economics, ethics and the insurance sector

Università degli Studi di Torino

Its Sistema Bibliotecario d’Ateneo was created in 2002 to co-ordinate its faculty and departmental libraries. It comprises 8 spheres and 4 disciplinary areas (scientific, law-economics, humanistic and biomedical)

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